CinéBaie Ticketing Guide

CinéBaie events are powered by the HelloAsso platform for ticketing, and we make sure your payment and privacy are secure.

Ticket Purchase Process

1. Choose the type of ticket you want and fill in the number of tickets to purchase:

  • Plein tarif: full-price ticket.
  • Tarif réduit: half-price student ticket (for those 26 years old and under) with presentation of student ID required upon entry.

2. Fill in the participant information (first name, last name) and select the channel through which you were informed about the event.

3. Fill in the payer information (first name, last name, email address).

4. Confirm your ticketing information and prepare your payment. Note: “Votre contribution au fonctionnement de HelloAsso” is a contribution charged by HelloAsso, the ticketing platform, which is not mandatory, you can modify this option and check “Je ne souhaite pas soutenir HelloAsso” to refuse the payment of this contribution.

5. Fill in the payment information (card number, expiration date, CVC) and complete the payment..