这部电影是由小说《流感中的彼得罗夫》(Petrovy v grippe)改编而成。表面上看,故事围绕主人公彼得罗夫和他的妻子、儿子展开,他们在圣诞节期间都患上了严重的流感;而彼得罗夫饱受流感所扰,发烧愈演愈烈。

贝尔纳多·莱特(Bernardo Leyte),常驻巴黎的电影制作人。 他在西班牙、德国和英国长大,毕业于伦敦电影学院,目前担任导演。 他是一位充满热情的影迷,他所观看的电影囊括各种类型,从他的偶像斯坦利·库布里克(Stanley Kubrick)和安德烈·塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)的電影,到超级英雄、恐怖片、动漫等。

Petrov’s Flu, the new film by Kirill Serebrennikov, was released this year at the Cannes film festival, where it didn’t win in the main categories, but was awarded the Vulcan award for best cinematography by the independent CST association. Watching this vertiginous rollercoaster of cinematic excess, you’ll often feel like you’re seeing the makings of an epic prestige picture although, in the aftermath, your memory may be as hazy as the foggy streets of post-Soviet Yekaterinburg depicted in the film.
The film is an adaptation of the novel The Petrovs In and Around the Flu (Petrovy v grippe) . Ostensibly, the story revolves around Petrov, the protagonist, and his wife and son, who all come down with a heavy flu during the Christmas season. As the flu takes its toll on Petrov and the fever rises, he meets a man named Igor, who induces a hallucinatory state in the family, all of whom begin to muddle reality with unreality. The film takes us down to the lowest realms of the Hades of Petrov’s mind, sometimes imagined, sometimes real, sometimes both.
Serebrennikov directs the film like a man possessed. Every scene of the film exudes raw masculine power, at moments to the detriment of the piece: this sledgehammer approach makes Petrov’s Flu thoroughly entertaining, but also hard to connect with at any given instance. The director’s theatre background is on full display here, with countless in-camera transitions where the sets mutate or are torn down in front of our eyes. One moment, we are seeing a librarian mom turn into a superhero and beat up everyone around her with moves worthy of Captain America; the next, we are riding inside a hearse that looks like the interior of a Christmas tree. It’s beautiful, but disorienting.
Unfortunately for the film, it’s hard to make sense out of any of it. The aforementioned scene transitions are pulled off with remarkable skill, but there’s connective tissue missing, both at the character level and in the plotting. The confusing atmosphere is created on purpose, of course, as we are supposed to be plunged into Petrov’s own feverish mental state, more scattershot the more his temperature rises. However, this stylish way of the film’s form imitating its story does not excuse the utter lack of context given for the audience to have a grasp of what is going on. To put it in other words: if you want to send Alice down the rabbit hole, you need to make sure you begin your story above ground first.
Petrov’s Flu is a conundrum. There were moments watching the film when this critic though he was experiencing a masterpiece. There is an extended sequence in black and white that, due to its contained nature within the film, delivers a well-told narrative supported by technical mastery but not drowned out by it. But, other times, it feels cynically engineered to be an award-winning festival picture, a work of shock and awe flooring the accelerator pedal and never looking back. Thematically, one can assume it’s about death, but again, the themes do not come across organically. I was even surprised when I read that Petrov’s Flu is based on a novel by Alexei Salnikov, because I half expected it to be based on a highly stylised graphic novel, drawn with psychedelic lavishness by some demented mind and then translated to the screen. In the end, though the film doesn’t leave a sour taste in one’s mouth, it evaporates like steam from a kettle and flies away, unable to leave a lasting impression. But, then again, this forgetfulness may be a sign that we have finally recovered from the flu and we are ready to watch more memorable movies.

About the Author
Bernardo Leyte (Vigo, Spain) is a Paris-based filmmaker. He grew up in Spain, Germany and the UK, graduating as a director from the London Film School. He is a passionate cinephile whose eclectic film playlist includes a bit of everything, from his idols, Kubrick and Tarkovsky, to superheroes, horror, anime and everything in between.